Mission Carnivore. Military Veterans and First Responders Talk about the Benefits of the Carnivore Diet

A UK Assault Pioneer Successfully Combats PTSD With The Carnivore Diet

December 12, 2023 Carnivore Soldier Season 1 Episode 8
A UK Assault Pioneer Successfully Combats PTSD With The Carnivore Diet
Mission Carnivore. Military Veterans and First Responders Talk about the Benefits of the Carnivore Diet
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Mission Carnivore. Military Veterans and First Responders Talk about the Benefits of the Carnivore Diet
A UK Assault Pioneer Successfully Combats PTSD With The Carnivore Diet
Dec 12, 2023 Season 1 Episode 8
Carnivore Soldier

Mission Carnivore Episode 7: A discussion with Rob, a UK war veteran about reversing his PTSD, mental health and physical health issues through a proper human diet. 

Carnivore Diet Planning Guide: https://4343867330708.gumroad.com/l/fqtjv
Website: https://www.carnivoresoldier.com
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/6762077700490092
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/eqyzCqtwgd

I'm a retired US Army Chief Warrant Officer living the carnivore lifestyle since March 22nd, 2023. I lost 30lbs in the first 90 days, and continued my weight loss beyond that losing another 14lbs in the following 60 days. I have become much healthier, both physically and mentally in the process. If you’re seeking a sustainable and effective weight loss method, the carnivore diet might be the answer you’ve been looking for!

Join me as I give a military veteran perspective on the carnivore WOE, find great recipes, learn tips and tricks, review carnivore movies, and gain insight on practical ways to fit the carnivore diet into your life! If you follow me, I'm going to be your "Battle Buddy", setting you up for success!

Prepare to be motivated and inspired as I share my success story, offering valuable tips and insights for anyone ready to embark on their own weight loss journey. Don’t miss out on this incredible transformation – hit that play button and let’s dive into the world of carnivore diet weight loss!

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and am not giving medical advice. This is simply a channel about my experience. Please consult your own physician if you have questions or concerns about nutrition, weight loss, or your conditions.

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Mission Carnivore Episode 7: A discussion with Rob, a UK war veteran about reversing his PTSD, mental health and physical health issues through a proper human diet. 

Carnivore Diet Planning Guide: https://4343867330708.gumroad.com/l/fqtjv
Website: https://www.carnivoresoldier.com
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/6762077700490092
Discord Server: https://discord.gg/eqyzCqtwgd

I'm a retired US Army Chief Warrant Officer living the carnivore lifestyle since March 22nd, 2023. I lost 30lbs in the first 90 days, and continued my weight loss beyond that losing another 14lbs in the following 60 days. I have become much healthier, both physically and mentally in the process. If you’re seeking a sustainable and effective weight loss method, the carnivore diet might be the answer you’ve been looking for!

Join me as I give a military veteran perspective on the carnivore WOE, find great recipes, learn tips and tricks, review carnivore movies, and gain insight on practical ways to fit the carnivore diet into your life! If you follow me, I'm going to be your "Battle Buddy", setting you up for success!

Prepare to be motivated and inspired as I share my success story, offering valuable tips and insights for anyone ready to embark on their own weight loss journey. Don’t miss out on this incredible transformation – hit that play button and let’s dive into the world of carnivore diet weight loss!

DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and am not giving medical advice. This is simply a channel about my experience. Please consult your own physician if you have questions or concerns about nutrition, weight loss, or your conditions.

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All right, all right, all right. Carnivore Soldier coming at you from Austin, Texas. Another mission carnivore video here. Another veteran who has turned to the carnivore diet and he's here to share his experiences. Rob is a UK veteran. He was an assault pioneer and I can let him tell more about himself here. Let me bring him in and we'll say, hi, Hey, Rob, how's it going?


I'm good, my friend. How are you? It's zero one oh nine here in the morning. How are you?


Yeah, it's only 7 p. m. here. I know you're in Greenwich me time or what we used to call in the military Zulu time. Cause we do all our missions on Zulu time, right? Yes. You guys do the same.


Five. I'm good, man. I'm just, thank you so much for for bringing me on. I know. I'm the after George, I'm the I'm only second I think UK Vet 20th. You're,


you're, you're my second British veteran, which is cool. George was a great one, man. He had a great great story and I know you do too. And you did join me on a live stream the other day, which was fantastic. I really appreciate that. And anytime you want, brother, you're welcome to join. I know you keep late hours. You don't sleep as much as you used to, but let me let me start by. Having you introduce yourself and tell me about your service, but you can tell me about your service and and just what you do now. Okay,


I am an ex assault pioneer of 2 3 regiment in BISTA 5 2 2 squadron. No longer there now, sadly, the regiment has been disbanded. Cutbacks, 100 plus years of history. What a shame man. I was in for seven years. I did two tours Telec five and Herrick seven. Interesting. Some close some close shaves we'll say. Very interesting. I now live in Sheffield. They used to be called the steel city. We used to be proud for our steel. We used to make great spoons. We now don't make anything. Sheffield. Ah. You


said Sheffield? So listen, this is very interesting because when I was in high school, we hosted a kid named Mitch from Sheffield, England, and he taught me how to play rugby. And that's how I got into rugby, because I played rugby at university and the military. But he said Sheffield was a soccer town, but he was a rugby guy. That's what he told me. Is that right?


Okay. Yeah, we have I think we have the, I don't follow football, but it's, we have a Sheffield Wednesday and Sheffield United here. Yeah. Yeah. I'm not that much of a football fan. I did play a little bit of rugby in the regiment. It was only sevens and touch rugby, but the Fijians put paid to that six, six, four, six, four, four. Who was built like the side of a Chieftain tank took me out for fun.


Yeah. Those Samoans are like tough. I've played against them. Oh yeah. They're tough. Yeah. Anyway, I didn't mean to cut you off. So you're in Sheffield. Go ahead. Continue


on., my base now I'm in Sheffield. I've, well, now when I came out of the regiment, I went into a good engineering job. That collapsed. So I found myself on doing close protection and security at the Dorchester in London. So I've gone around the circuit. Now I'm in Sheffield. I teach around the country for seven to eight months of the year. Bushcraft and archery and outdoor skills to school groups. Up and down the country to private schools. Which is I think was this sort of thing that ex military fall into. And I'll be honest, mate, the forest certainly being my own boss, self employed certainly helps me. Yeah. Oh yeah.


For sure. Civilians are difficult to work with after you've been in the military sometimes.


Yeah, we are nicknamed from McCormick, you know, civvies. I still don't get them. Yeah. You talk to most civvies, we had to say now, over here for us, the, you talk to them and they're just looking like a dog that's just been shown a card trick. Well, so I had to, like what? Yeah. So I'm good. I'm happy freelance. I'm self employed and I found something that helps my mind. That's good.


I was out shooting with my son yesterday we have what's called 4 H here, which is farming and skills like that. So they have a shooting club. He's very proficient on the rifle and we're getting them ready to do competition. Yeah, and I love being able to teach a marksmanship cause that's something I know really well. I was always a expert marksman, shooting and iron sights all the way, man. He has no radical, no red dot. It's iron sights. I said, listen, iron sights don't run out of batteries, son. And they never break.


This is true. They don't know you in small arms. Try looks none of that. No, yeah,


yeah. So, I like working with kids too. It's fun cause they're all kids that they're all from the age, maybe eight to 14, and they're all shooting rifles and we have a range, we run the range. Get to do a little range master stuff. It's fun. That's so


cool. You can do it. We can't do that here, obviously. Oh, I


know. That's terrible. I love getting on the range, ready on the right. Ready on the left. The range is red, it's hot. It's fun. Yeah. It's fun. It brings me back. Watch


and shoot. Watch and shoot. Plates will fall if hit.


Yeah. Anyway, I have my fun too. And yeah, with civilians. And I think this is why I have the channel. We talked about this a little bit before is this channel is directed towards military and and first responders because we are a different breed because we have a brotherhood because we do things that are different than regular civilians don't do. And I think we connect better to each other more easily, right? It's easier to hear a message from a brother who's been out there. Our sister. We've been out there and we just had that instant bridge, I think. So that's what this is all about. And I appreciate you sharing your story on this because it's through stories like yours that we can reach other veterans and the real reason is that, and I don't know what the rate is in England, but in America, we have an atrocious suicide rate for veterans and it's 22 a day, and that doesn't include the States of Texas and California has the largest veteran. Better pro populations because they don't submit those numbers. They're, they have a different way of accounting. And also it doesn't include people that od because a lot of'em are just considered drug addicts. And, they're self medicating. They're medicating, they get,


They get lost, man. They get lost. I am just managed to get a hold of a mate. He was ex Roy Ian. He'd gone missing for a few weeks, I managed to get hold of him today and I'm going to get him to come and work with me in the summer, drinking a lot, he disappeared, he sort of fell off the grid, and I managed to get hold of him today well screwed mate from things that he saw, he lost an oppo over there, you know, we all did he's, when it comes down to remembrance day in this country, oh mate, he falls off the edge.


I know that was one thing before I had this diet available to me, and this is why I started this channel is because I never wanted to be YouTube person, but. Before I had this diet, whenever we had our members day is a Memorial Day and when Memorial Day would come, I would always put an email out and a Facebook post, Hey, if you need someone to talk to, give me a call I'm here, but that's all you got. I mean, that's the only thing I had in the bag or we could try to reach out to people, but you don't know who's hurting out there. You just don't. And this is a tool that can keep them from hurting. I think so. Anyway, that's what this is all about. All right. So how did you come to start doing a carnivore diet?


This is the strangest thing. I'm a very active guy. I would sometimes do be in the outdoor industry, do 25, 000, 30, 000 steps in a day, seven days a week, up and down, uphill, setting ropes up, rope climbs, outdoors all the time. But, the, what I was starting to realise, I was getting big, and I was getting inflamed, I was getting chunky, man. And I'm like, doing all this, I'm outdoors all the time, so busy, and I was piling it on. It got to one point, where I was just waking up, aching, walking upstairs, tired. Basically, we call it my regimen, just blowing out my arse. I couldn't even do ten press ups.


Oh yeah, me too. I


got there. Shocking state, shocking state. As we call him our regiment. And I'm sure George would understand as well. I was in clip state, um, really, really bad. And. I Saw a picture of myself, and I've got no problems if you want to cut those pictures in when you edit this. Yeah. The one I put on my profile. I saw a picture of myself someone took when I was doing one of the accounts for kids. I thought, I look tired, I look old, and I've got a massive belly on me. And I'm like, what is going on here? You know, I think you can't outrun a bad diet. Yeah. I thought I was eating pretty good, but when I realized I look back, I wasn't. I was drinking a lot Guinness very calorific at the end of the week after the camps had finished. I'd have eight or 10 cans of Guinness. With my, the lad that I spoke about a few minutes ago. Along with that, I had a lot of charcuterie as well, like Italian meats and breads and things like that. We piled this on. You can't outrun a bad diet. Even though you're doing all the the exercise and you're outdoors all the time. I used to be, my body used to be able to deal with it. But it got to a point at 47 where you can't deal with it. And I just ballooned, man. I looked at pictures of me with the team and I'm like, the people started to call me Big Bob. Cause I was like, you know, for the wrong reasons. So yeah, I just got realized it's just not right. And I took a picture of myself, which I put on my profile on my YouTube. I thought, Christ, man. Cause there was a picture of me before 10 years before and then mid. And then what I have three months after the carnivore. I hadn't, I can't go back there. So yeah, that's definitely my why.


But then how did you find carnivore? I see why. So you started looking, Googling or?


Everybody's come across the Joe Rogan carnivore diet. I'm an ex personal trainer and fitness instructor as well. I already, I sort of knew what to do, but I need to look for something different, because I didn't think those things were working and everybody's watching Joe Rogan. I was aware of, the carnival day I was around, so I just thought I'd give it a try and to try and get back into shape because I was embarrassed as well, because look at me, man, that's what's going on there. I was getting big, I was heading for trouble because I was swollen.


He did it for a month and looked amazing. Joe Rogan lost his belly. And he had that belly going, right? Oh


yeah, it's the, what I think is happening, especially with me, it's the it's the internal fat, and all the swelling, and all the inflammation inside is going down. And the first month for me was incredible. It's obviously, that is, because when you have carbs, they hold water. So it's a lot of water weight that I lost. And with the inflammation as well is, obviously why I was aching, couldn't do 10 press ups, just looking like a bloated knacker man on the way out at 47. No, no, no, no, it's not happening. So yeah, that was I realized I had to change.


Was there a specific video that you started and said, okay, this is the plan I'm going to follow, or? Or did you


there'S Joe Rogan. I started looking on YouTube. I came across your good self. And a few others keto diet and things out there. I can't remember the specific names of what I was watching, but I, like I do, I went into it like a bull in a goddamn China shop. Yeah let's go for it, man. Forget whatever I'm going about to do to my gut biome and get ready for what's coming. So yeah I watched Joe Rogan, I was aware of yourself, I started to watch yourself. I came across Carnival Cabbie George, and then all the others started to come in, yeah,


Alex and all them,


yeah. Yeah,


You must have seen me say that I did the Cortez thing and burned my ships, right? Cause I was like, that's it, I'm just doing it. Yeah, oh yeah. He had 600 soldiers and he conquered a nation. I'm like, I'm just going to do that. That's it. That's the wall.


That's my yeah, I've got one round left in the chamber and I said, I'm going for it, and I'm going, and I did, and I paid for it. But we'll talk about a couple of questions down the line. Oh, we


can start talking about it now. You can bring it. I paid for it too.


Wow. So I just went for it and it was. It was great stuff I felt I mentioned it the other night, I felt like I was shrink wrapped because all the inflammation went down, all the bloating went down, and I thought, wow, what, look at this, I'm just, I haven't seen my abs for years, and my bleaks, and that's, I thought, wow, this is incredible so Two, three weeks in and about two, I think about two, three weeks in, then I got I paid for it explosive diarrhea, man. My body said, F you. My gut biome had a tantrum and I confined myself to the house for three days. I couldn't go outside.


Yep. You're crapping out all the dead biome and getting, cause the new ones replacing it, right? So there's all the bacteria and all that just going out. That was terrible for me. It was terrible. Yeah, but it was worth it. So what other experiences did you have? What other things happened besides that? That was the bad. Was there anything else bad that happened?


I don't, the, I don't think so. No. I didn't get headaches. I Didn't get I didn't get cramps. It was just Was your energy level dip? Oh, yes. Yeah you, yeah, you reminded me now. As I was on my notes, player preparation prevents pitch ball performance. As George was saying. Yeah, the the Christmas trees heavy manual labor. That caught me out. You've jogged my memory now because I was fine for two to three, maybe four days. And I was the humping and dumping and lifting massive trees, 25 pounders, 30 pounders, 40 pounders. And my energy level just dropped. You hit the wall. Absolutely. So I suppose, Virgin Carnival will call me I got caught out. So I had to bring in a few extra calories and I started on a little bit away, which obviously would have took me out of ketosis. And I would have gone back to more or less being on a lion diet. I Had to, because I would have died, brother. Yeah. Heavy manual outside in Scotland, in the rain, 10, 15 hours a day. It was great for my training, but yeah. So I think, yeah, that was my my worst initial experience I think of it. But it was a good experience and I've learned from it. And if anybody's watching this and they're thinking about getting into it and you're going to start some heavy manual physical labor, whatever it is you're going to don't just think you can eat what you can eat when you sat in the house. It's not happening. You're going to have to, you're going to have to up your meat, up your fat content, up your cheese. A lot. If it's, if you've got a small amount on a plate, double that son of a bitch, because you're going to need it,


that's what Chafee says when he's working out. He says he eats twice as much, pretty much, than he does when he's not lifting or working out. Really your body just does require it. So I think that how long have you been now? Has it been 90 days? You said,


or I'm going over three, three and a half months now. Yeah.


Yeah. You're rolling now. You've hit all the main stops on the main transition. Now you're full carnivore at 90 days, I think, or beyond 90 days. Now you are full carnivore. And now you'll still have changes, but it's going to be much easier. Just to move a smooth transition of constant energy level. That's what it is for me. I call it carnivore Zen, right? Mindset too. I think it kind of is right. We're just in there now we're in the zone. Yeah, or in the military, we call it a battle rhythm, right?


But yeah. Oh, upwards and onwards. I'm definitely going to three and a half months going to four months. My, my body is now totally sated on one meal a day. If I have five odd boiled eggs and 500 grams of bacon throughout the day and wrap some up as a tasty snack, like I've done on my YouTube thing. The that's it. And I feel so full. But I don't feel like, if you have loads of sugar and carbs, I don't feel like, used to get that that's not there.


No more crash. No, no crash. It's pretty awesome.


The crash is not there, but I can I've gone back to doing press ups of like my regiment days.


Not and not getting tired of my son. So my son plays soccer. He called football and his last game of the season or last weekend of the season, they had a tournament. He played three games and didn't sub out once. And he came to me and said, dad, I don't get tired anymore. I just don't get tired. And it's cause he's been carnivore since July. And and then last night he called me and he said, dad I took three minutes off my PR running three miles. I'm like three minutes and three miles. That's awesome. Taking that off your time, that's legit. So he's getting down to some really fast


times. What was that like? He's a mile and a half. That was like a BPFA fitness test.


No, he's not military. He's in school. He runs cross country and up to this point, they've been doing two miles, but next year he has to run three miles because he's in high school, which is our upper educational school. And so when he started training this year for next year. So he started training with the high school team right after the season ended. So he's running three miles now and he's taken three, he's taken three minutes off his three mile time. That's pretty awesome. He went down from 24 to 21 minutes. I think the seven minute miles, three, seven minute miles is clipping. And that's not on track. That's a terrain that's running. Yeah he's doing great.


Testament man, there's something primeval about this lifestyle we've adopted. I'll tell you, it's going back to the way we used to eat, Yeah. His


coach has taken notice. Actually. His coach is like, Hey what's, what are you doing? That's good. Cause he's killing it. It is primeval. It is the proper human diet as Dr. Barry says, it is so obvious to me. And because I have not seen one person not thrive on it. If I had seen one person, I could say, okay, there's something weird, but not even one, not someone that did the real diet that actually followed it. Yeah. So that was your initial experiences and how has it affected your physical health overall? Besides doing the pushups, we got that. What do you feel like daily physically? Do you feel your age? I feel younger,


Which is, might sound strange. My the things that have improved for me which I'm not, is my cardiovascular seems to have, my walking pace seems to have improved. Before I started, maybe because I've dropped a few pounds before I started, I felt like I couldn't walk very quick. Maybe that was inflammation? The joints? I don't know. But my walking pace, physical health wise, has really improved. Yeah. I walk so much quicker than I was before I started the carnivore. It's like, I've gone back ten years. Yeah, for sure. In three and a half months. I'm like and I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do in the morning when I wake up Is I tap my tummy because it's disappearing


I do the same thing. Listen, I run my finger down there. I'm like, hey I got my fingers on my stomach and it's like it's flat feels good in the morning, right? I know there we


go, man, I feel like i've gone back 10 years. Yeah. Yeah from Just removing the sugar the refined carbs and things that I was eating with like 25 ingredients in seed oils Yeah I saw something on your things on your community page of how many times they press canola oil. Yeah,


it's pretty crazy. That stuff is made in these refineries that are not clean. They're not green. They're not, there's nothing green about them, refineries and a huge amount of energy to do this. So there's no way that if you take all that electricity you're generating, that that's less than environmentally damaging. If CO2 stuff, then the cows, that have been here for. Millions of years Let's blame a cow Yeah. Blame the cow. Yeah. I Feel I, I'm 57, people tell me I look like I'm 47 and I feel like I'm 37. I feel like I can run better than I did when I was 40. So it's pretty crazy.


I wouldn't have known if you didn't, if you'd not told me. Yeah. I still look younger, right? You look younger, you've got more you've got


more hair than me. Yeah. yEah, I have here, but it's not all grayed out either. I got some gray here and I got some gray in the sides, I just cut it short. So that's what I used to say when my, when I was active, because I retired at 52, 53. Sorry. So I used to get my hair cut real short so no one could see the gray. Yeah. Because I could look young, but I was swollen. My whole face was swollen. Everything about me was swollen. Just like you. Yeah. I And your big big belt line. My belt didn't feel good. Yeah. I'm, I'm six three. And I was 280 pounds when I started the diet. Now, when I left the military, I was about two 55. And when I went into the military, I was about two 40 to 35 to 40. I'm down to two 34 right now, which would, I wasn't in college. So I'm back to what I was when I started without even exercising, man. I mean, I do some band exercises and I do some sprints and I walk the dog. That's really all I do. And your body just, yeah, your body just reverts. So it's pretty crazy. How about changes in your mental health since you started the diet? Talk about


that. Yeah, uh, for real, man I've not come back from where I've been without, and it's hard for me to talk about it, so I'm going to be careful, because I'll just start welling. I've not come back from where I've been without, having problems with my mind before I started the carnivore diet. Christ, I was angry. Mood swings real, just lose my shit. Really sorry. This is really bad. You see that TV in the background. That's a new one. Yeah. Swings. Feeling like I needed to be maybe what my oppo is going through right now. Feeling like I needed to be isolated away. Don't want people's attention, you know, that sort of thing. siNce starting the carnival I feel better. In my mind definitely clarity of thinking and being able to plan and prep better and think better. And before I was sort of stagnant, wanting to do things. I know I should do things, but I was just like putting it off procrastinating a lot. Yeah, me too. Yeah. And not really understanding why


I was not motivated. I just felt like I was unmotivated to do stuff to get off the couch and go do stuff. Yeah. And now I feel like when I get up, I have, I just wanna do stuff. I start, oh, what can I do right now? And I look for something. It's different,


right? Yeah. So it's it's triggered something. It's this eating just eggs and meat and steak and less than five ingredients a day. It's not just, I call it restorative, not just for the body for what's going on in here as well. Yeah. Because I'm not angry now, and obviously I'm thinking that is all the preservatives and the sedos and all the shite in the food I was eating was adding to it, because obviously PTSD and all this, but if you've got that and then you, like I've said, you're adding all that as well, it's just going to compound it. Yeah, I think there.


I think it's the reason that we see road rage now. When I grew up, we didn't really have road rage. When I was a little kid in the 60s and 70s, it didn't happen. I think it's why we see all these shooters, the guns aren't causing it. The people are, but the people are not well. And it's, I think a lot of the stuff we see is, has to do with diet.


Food. What's in the food, it's obviously what you what you're going to put inside this vessel is going to affect this amazing device inside here. Yeah. And it just, if you already messed up when you're starting to eat all this crap, McDonald's and things are, it's just going to, it's going to mess you up. sO yeah, so for, as have you noticed any change in your mental health since starting the diet? I don't call it a diet. It's it's a lifestyle. Yeah, it is. Yeah. And you embrace it when you go on it and it's a journey for everybody and you're on the, I call it the river and the river gets sometimes a bit choppy, but after like three weeks or so, four weeks starts to calm down and the problems you had, the anger, the rage, getting mad really easy, just flipping out, wanting to be away, closed door, seems to go.


For me there was anxiety just for no reason sometimes. Yeah. Depression for no reason and then, and no, and depression for no reason some days, not all the time, but I just have deep depression. Some days. I don't know why. And at one point, suicidal thoughts action, actionable, suicidal thoughts where I thought about who's going to find the body. What's that? That detailed. It was really close. I Had driven to the place and I had the weapon with me and I was that point, and I've never really understood suicide. I never understood why people did it. I thought they were selfish because I had people in my unit do it. And I, I felt sad and bad and then blame myself a little bit because I didn't catch, the telltale signs that they're going to commit suicide, all this stuff. They show the videos. And then, but when I finally got to that point where I was at, I realized how it can happen to anyone, I think if their mindset is, or their mind's not healthy. And I think this diet can really, if it gets out to these guys, it can put a dent in the mental health and the suicides. It really can. It can give people hope. That's one thing I got out of this. This diet gave me hope and I was not, I was no longer planning my future before this diet. I was just. Thinking that I was going to hold on to my health as long as I could and try not to degrade too fast. And just ride it out to my death. That's and try to not get cancer, not die, young. And now I've changed completely where I plan like a future. I'm like looking forward to doing things. So it's really changed my mindset.


Yeah. It's true, it does it. I've sat on that double, that bed, just back there, and before I started, I've said in my mind, I want to go. Yeah.


I want to go. I think a lot of us have been there, I don't want to be here, I don't want to deal with this stuff anymore. I


could hear it in my head, my head, my brain was speaking. I want to go. It's time.


And then you also said post traumatic stress disorder. So PTSD shell shock, whatever you want to call it. People call it whatever they want. There's names for it. It has decreased yours, correct? It's really affected it. Oh, uh, yeah, yeah. And you would recommend it for anyone else that has PTSD, right? Oh, yeah,


absolutely. If you're feeling like you're lost or you're having thoughts in your head like I was, you know, just, I want to go. That's it. Wow. That's powerful. People that don't have PTSD won't understand it, but if you do, I couldn't recommend this. Lifestyle this diet more if you take out all the crap What we've been recommending that we should eat this five a day nonsense. All this fructose, this sugar, this shit that's going into your brain and making you think even worse thoughts. You'll find, that it'll help you,


I agree. It's the, it's so weird that it's so simple. That it's, and then it doesn't cost money. I don't take any medications anymore. I'm off. I don't even self medicate with alcohol too much anymore. I have drinks with friends, but it's social. I don't, I used to drink daily. I used to drink whiskey or bourbon daily, to go to bed and help me sleep or whatever else I wanted to call it. But yeah, it's it's pretty crazy that I don't have to do that anymore. And the thing is, I don't feel the need to, I don't feel the desire to, to drink like I did. I think same with the other addictions that I got off the sugar and stuff. Once I got past my cravings, I don't desire them at all anymore. I really desire steak, burger, eggs, bacon. How has your food, how has your taste changed?


I Can't, well, I don't eat I don't eat bread anymore. I don't eat bread anymore. My taste, because I do what I call only five, five ingredients. I know exactly what's, what I'm putting into my body. And my taste is for steak, eggs, bacon, butter, man. And more of it. And for good food. gOod food I'm pretty sure now if I was to go back to eating bread and sugar I'll be ill and it'd hurt me. I'm pretty sure, but my taste now for just for wanting just for good food, meat, steak, Denver steak, which is the, it's one of the top flanks near the shoulders towards the front of the animal. I've done my research for your brother. Yeah good food. I don't want to, I don't want to eat I don't want to eat crap. And the strange thing is when you're walking around the supermarket, I've got like a, I'll call it a three and a half month tunnel vision now, where all this shiny shit that's trying to draw you in. As you're walking around, no longer, it's like it blurs. It doesn't pay attention to me because I'm going straight towards the butchers.


Do you find yourself looking at people's baskets?


Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. Just I'm watching and walking around the supermarkets and I'm watching the kids and moms and the dads putting cereals and cocoa pops and all this sugary crap in the baskets. And you can't really have a go at them because they don't know. And because they've been conditioned the social construct, they've been conditioned to think that the five a day and eating five meals a day is good for us, which is not it really isn't. It's often enough to think about it. So


I mean, it's evil that they've come out. They, the governments, the companies, whatever have come out with this this. Food pyramid is completely upside down and poisons people. And it is, they're poisoning children. If someone was deliberately poisoning my kid and I found out and I had my way, I'd take action, uh, my own rules of engagement right there. We'd have problems, but you see it going on everywhere. And parents, it's just they just don't know better. And that's what we need to get this message out more and more and more. And they're fighting against it. You see the. Oh, yeah, they're fighting against this big time trying to call it misinformation. Yep. It's so weird that they would I've never been a conspiracy theorist, I never have but this makes me I guess believe a lot like i'll listen to him now like oh Well, maybe I should listen to that conspiracy because there might be truth to it. I don't know Because I know this happened and i've seen it Yeah,


there's absolutely, they don't want a nation eating eggs, steak, butter, getting shredded, having clarity of thought. Because if you if they've got that, then they're not going to make any money because as we know, a sick person is profit. And when I walk around the supermarkets, all I see I don't know if you've ever seen the film, They Live.


Yes, that's exactly right. There we go.


The glasses, you take your glasses off. But all I see is when I walk around the supermarket is pound signs for the pharmaceutical companies. And that's what is the food system. Yeah, consume. Eat more. Shut up. It's like Bill Hicks. Shut up. Go to bed. Watch this. hEre's more of it. Eat more of this. Eat more crap.


We've got complete nations of addicts. They're addicted. And yeah, they're easier to control that way. And this is not new. If you look back at the Roman Empire, they handed out bread in the squares to the commoners. Same with the Egyptians. They knew that this is a way to control. It really is. And you think about even in England, right? I was a big fan of Robin Hood. I know it's not historical, but. The big crime was hunting and killing one of the king's animals, right? And eating, because that's for royalty. That's not for peons. They can eat potatoes. Yeah.


Right. Yeah. Yeah. Peasants. How dare you? You will have potatoes and you will eat potatoes and that's it. Yeah. They don't want a nation, a world aware and awake that you can eat just eat three steaks a day with some eggs. Yeah. Lose weight. Don't have to exercise because you're taking your body back to the way it used to be. When, imagine if we were cavemen and you had to walk 85 miles a day. Bash that thing on the bloody head. Bring it back. Say hello to your wife in the cave. Then prep the meat, skin it, and do all that. And that would be one meal a day.


ANd they skip days. Because some days they wouldn't get a kill. Right? Yeah. That's the way the Maasai do it. The Maasai still hunt that way. They do raise cows, but they do actually go on hunts. And they, some days they'll hunt for days. And you can even look back, the aboriginal people. In Australia they, until the fifties through the seventies, when they got put into townships, they were still living that lifestyle, that ancestral diet, they call it. Right. And the Inuit up in the Arctic circle the Eskimos still live that way. And what's interesting is just in a few generations actually, yeah, since the fifties, so since the fifties, like the Aborigines their main,, cause of death. Was just old age and now it's heart attacks and diabetes. in just 30 years, right? 40 years. Yeah.


You know, if you look at a picture of anybody on the beach in the seventies, early sixties, there's nobody fat. There's nobody, looking at my bloody profile picture, there's none of that. They're all, they all look slim. Healthy, and I think I'm sure the dates, but they brought something in. I think it was about 75, 76 where they started to regulate and put all these things in food. So what it was,


it started here in America and it was the it was the McGovern commission that was trying to feed the masses a healthy diet. So we decided that we were going to wipe out hunger in America. So this set this commission of government agencies and, Senators and they all got together and they're like, okay, we're going to figure out what's a good diet and we're going to make sure everyone gets that. And of course, who they go to, they went to the food manufacturers to tell them what the good food was. And they said cereal grain, eight to 11 servings of cereal grains and that McGovern commission also said low fat. So that's when, when you take, there's only three things in food that are calories, right? There's protein, There's fat and there's sugar. So you take fat out, the protein's about the same, you have to add sugar. So sugar went into all the foods. And so you're right. When I was a lifeguard in the early 80s when I was in high school. So it was 80, 81. I was a lifeguard at our pool. And I knew all our neighbors and none of them were fat. There were some that were out of shape. But they were all thin. There were no fat. There was one fat lady, Mrs. Kaplan. She was the only fat lady and we used to joke about her as Miss Kaplan, right? She's the fat lady. There's


always one in every neighborhood.


That's right. But seriously, like there's a huge amount of neighbors and none were fat. Now my neighborhood here, 78 percent are probably obese, maybe morbidly obese. There are just so many fat people and even people that are young and now I see kids. And I don't know about when you went to school, when I went to school, we had probably one or two fat kids in the school. And now when I pick my son up, I see 30, 40 percent fat and even playing soccer, even football, kids playing football or fat, they still play well. They're pretty good athletes, but I think, man, if you will, if you go carnival, you'd probably be amazing. If you got that much to go when you're on this. Bad fuel, right?


It's it really is it's really is what's in the food And you can't like I said, you can't run a bad diet Even if you think you're eating well, you're not because of what's in the food. I thought I was


healthy I was eating like protein bars like quest bars like these fitness bars, right? Yeah, they're terrible. They're full of garbage


Yeah How many ingredients in one of those? 50, 60


ingredients, and the problem is, sugar has 56 different names. And they put them all, and they break them down, so they hide them in these different names. That's one problem. And then refined wheats. I got everything. Everything's wrong. Everything about them is wrong.


Did you ever eat one of those bars and thought, that was great. And then all of a sudden after an hour later you're like,


yEah, exactly. It's that you get that sugar rush, even if the sugar free ones don't make you feel good. So what about your sleep quality? How's your sleep changing?


Better. This is a real strange one. I now don't need as much sleep. Five hours, six hours tops before I was sleeping like Dumbo man, just 10 hours. I was looking at my Garmin how long I was out. Nine hours, 10 hours. And that's a lot of sleep out. To not be moving. And you would think your body would restore restorative sleep is what it's supposed to be. I was waking up shattered, man. So tired. And I wake up and I sit on the edge of the bed and I'd be like, just aching. And I've been to sleep for nine, 10 hours. Since I started a carnivore, I sleep better, only five or six hours, maybe five hours. And I wake up and I'm jumping out for God's sake. I'm banging out 50 when I got out of bed.


That's awesome. I spring out of bed now. And I'm like, boom. And I feed my dog, I hit the toilet latrine and then I go do stuff. I'm like, all right, time to start doing this. I get in the kitchen, start cleaning up, start. I don't know. I start doing stuff and then I get on my computer and start doing stuff, start answering YouTube stuff. I just feel like doing stuff. I feel motivated. Motivation level is huge now. And I can't, this is one thing I, this is like one of the dreams. I am going to go to my old unit and offer this, but can you imagine a platoon of soldiers, all carnivores, what it would be like there, right? Their motivation, their physical ability, their mental clarity, how efficient they could be, uh,


There would be like a brigade of Fijians. Yeah. So yeah,


exactly. Yeah. They'd be like super soldiers, right. Or Gherkins or whatever. They'd be like these guys that just don't quit.


Wow. I've seen those, these guys in operations. Jesus Christ.


I would love to see that if he could get someone to do it, if he can get enough guys to buy in, there's obviously outliers that wouldn't. But if you could get these guys to believe. That's why I'm going to go to my unit. I don't know if I'll get any success, but I'm going to my old first sergeants and. sAy, hey, who are your hopeless cases? Who are your hopeless cases? Give them to me.


If you could do that, that'd be that'd be incredible. You've got a uphill struggle. I've been into your your mess halls. When I was in Optelec five, I went for a few days. Chill. To camp Doha up in northern Iraq. I've been into your pxs and your mess halls. And they serve just everything, man, Oh, I know. It's pretty




Unbelievable. I've never seen anything like it. I'm sorry. Small brick sat there in this gigantic mess hole in the middle of a rack. I'm like, this is quite something. But if you can get turn that around to be like carnival, you're create, the Marines are already quite something else, man. But you'd just turn'em into an absolute. Beasts.


Yeah. Yeah.




my dream. I'd love to do that. And every bet I talked to when I bring that up, they're like, yeah, I can't imagine because I just know the way I feel and I'm thinking my, if I was on watch right now, my alert level would be high. And constant, right? I wouldn't be like sagging off, falling, you know, 4 a. m. 3 a. m. 2 a. m. When you start getting tired, those waves, especially about 4 a. m. I think that was the worst on a night watch, but I couldn't imagine. Yeah. And carnivore, I think I would just be like constant, like you could be constant vigilance. I feel like I could just work through it. And I know that way when I drive now I can drive and not get tired at all. I just, it's just crazy. Yeah. Your energy. Yeah. Yeah. I used to stop at gas stations, get snacks and that would pick me up and I'd drive for a while and I'd get tired and I'd stop again and I'd pick something up, eat a protein bar or something. And now I don't have to do that at all. I can just drive and drink water and I'm totally good. Wow. Yeah. And also you think about it,, if you look in history the British government, when they were fighting the war of 1812 over here. Their infantry actually ate pemmican, which is an American Indian food. And it's made with, and it's made with tallow and dried chip beef in it. And it's the same as the carnivore bar. I've had one. They're good. I've ordered them before and I eat them still sometimes. And that doesn't require any refrigeration. You can make MRAs with pemmican and our soldiers, if they were carnivore, they'd have a really light pack of food because that does not weigh much. Yeah. So much nutrient density in there. They could, you could, I remember cause we used to strip MREs out for our packs. We'd strip out,


get rid of the,


yeah, the cheese or you may keep the cheese, but get rid of the bread, the pound cake, and then put the good stuff, the meat and the, all the stuff you needed. Well, I used to think I needed carbs, but we used to strip them out and we field strip them basically. And if you carry two MREs in a case of one, right?


Yeah. Open up the box. And we were like, take this out, take the tea, take the coffee. The little chili, the chili beef, the meatballer in the bag, God knows what would happen to my gut now if I had actually had a British MRE.


Oh. I know I've got active duty soldiers. You might've seen my video where they were asking me, Hey chief they're on it. Right. This one active duty soldier was getting ready for his PT test, his first PT test. And he's like, chief, should I carb up? I'm like, no, don't do it. You've been, you've made it like he's 60 days in. I'm like, dude, you're going to crush this thing. Just trust the process. He's like, all right, chief. I will. Next day he PR, he crushed his PT test and he came back. He's like, man, this is awesome. I'm like, yeah. And then he's like, well, we're going in the field for field X, FTX, and that's two weeks. He's like, what can I eat? I'm like, all right. So I found the MREs that you could eat. There were, you could strip, I identified the individual things you could eat in each MRE. I, we have recipes online, so you can figure out which ones are which. I said, you might have to trade around to get these, but you can do it. And then you can bring things like tuna fish, sardines things that you can eat. And powdered egg yolk or something, or you can, there's things you can do, but you could do it. I mean, you could make a carnivore MRE yourself if you're. If you're just going on a field X, but it's interesting to get thinking that way again, since I haven't done it so long, but, you know, Yeah, so what's your motivation now to stick to the diet?


I've got a question the way that feel the, when I look In the mirror. I can see the physical changes, why with what's happening with everything I mentioned, why come off it to go back to a meet five meals a day, three meals a day, even really why do it, um, don't even think about it. To stay motivated, like I said, look in the mirror. I feel great. The physical change in the mental changes of keeping me motivated finding you guys finding yourself and starting to understand what's been going on and why I've been getting ill. Because I was ill with the size of me and why that was happening. And then starting to educate myself is part of the motivation, obviously you guys as well. Like I said, setting up the little YouTube channel to vlog absolutely everything that I'm eating. So yeah, you know, that's my motivation. And I think it can help other people as well. Um, cause some people are commenting, I've started the 300, 000 steps challenge for December with Carnivore Leo, and that's gone round some of the YouTube channels in the States. I think they're all getting back to me now, so that's starting. So if what I'm doing can help people out there. That's great. That's motivation in itself, and obviously yourself, I found you when I first started looking. So you were my motivation. I've now passed that on and it's starting to go out there. And I think my little corner of the carnival world on YouTube is blowing up. I think I've got some vegans coming through, giving me some crap as well, but I'll deal with that when they get here. That's good.


I just thank them for their comments because that counts towards your. Monetization and your, the video is being popular, even if they down thumb you and give you a bad comment, I'd thank them. And then I usually just hide them. If you hit three dots, you can hide comment and hide all comments from them in the future too. So if they're crazy, Oh yeah, because they don't see it. They don't see that they're hidden only, no one else sees it, but they see him as still being there. So it's funny. It's like a joke. Yeah. So you can always hide their stuff. What about your friends and neighbors, family? Have they noticed a change in you? And have they said anything?


My my sister has for sure. She can see it. Me and my sister are very close. We went out for lunch the other day and, my sister's not carnivore or anything. She just, just eats normal. And I just had steak and tea. And she says, you know. Does that make you feel better when you eat that? I said, yeah, she said, okay, then you do you because it works, and I showed her the picture of me, big Bob and three and a half months later, Bob and it can see it working. And she understands my, my sister understands what, what's been going on up here. My, my parents, you know, my parents, just my parents, you don't really really understand it. But my sister and my brother for sure. Yeah. They can definitely see the change, in mind for sure. I


mean, it's good that you had this, you know, it's a tool that works. If someone's willing, you can only, like I said, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make them think. And so your friend that you're introducing us to your former unit buddy or someone you serve with, you know, it's a tool that really works and maybe he'll recognize it. Maybe he'll be ready to try. Maybe not. That's up to him, but it is a real tool and I've never had a tool before.


No, I'm going to, well, the thing, the key for my oppo was the fact that I managed to get a hold of him yesterday, I was messaging him on Facebook, trying to ring him, leave him voicemails. I'm going to bring him with me. For the summer work coming up in 2024. And he says he wants to get out and do it. Because obviously, and I'm going to explain to him what I'm doing. What it's done to me and I'm going to get him on it. beCause obviously he locked himself away, just drinking heavy 10, 15 cans of lager in a locked room. It's not good, man. No, I know. But, it's, it helps his mind because of everything that's going on. But, yeah.


You withdraw into your own world, right? And then isolation is not good. And that's another thing this diet has done is I've reached out. I've got new friends like you and George and all these other great guides that I've met. And I really feel real connections. These are real. These are not meaningless connections. These are real connections. These are not just casual. And that I was missing too in my life, I think. It's nice to expand that net of a network of friends. Lastly we're wrapping up, but would you recommend the carnivore? Diet to other military veterans or first responders and if so, what advice would you give them if they were starting? What advice you're going to give your oppo?


First I would ask them what you know Where are they right now? Where is the mind? And you know find out what they're eating and then explain to them what i'm doing and what i've gone through And what's happening to me physically and mentally, through going on the carnivore diet and I would recommend that they try it I would advise them to try it, even if just for three to six weeks to see how they feel. And I think they will find The outcome of being on this sort of a diet lifestyle three, six, we will be positive for them, so I would say try it and I think there will be some presently surprised by the effects, first responders see all sorts of terrible stuff. X military also terrible stuff. Yeah. And it, and you go home and you will just eat crap to try and deal with it. And it'll just, like I said, it compounds it. Just try it. If you're going, if you're out there three to six weeks and you will see a change in your mental health and your physical, and I'm definitely going to get to my man in the summer onto this for real, because it works. Try it, man, just try it.


Yeah, we know in the military we can do anything for four weeks, right? Or six weeks. I didn't do anything for that time. We've done worse. We've been in we ate MREs. I mean, come on. We can do anything for that's pretty easy. It's not a hard ask.


Yeah, I am. So yeah just go for it. Just see what happens three, three to six weeks and people will be pleasantly surprised. Testament, if anybody needs any advice, I will push them on to yourself coming up. Go, go and see the Carnival Soldier on YouTube come to my little corner of the world of YouTube, all these amazing, this amazing community out there go find them and I will point you in the right direction and come and speak to these people and they can help you because it is, sometimes it gets very isolating, as you know.


Yeah, and I don't think it's, I don't think it's I don't think it's an overstatement to say that it's life changing. I think it really is. One of those things in life that is truly life changing. Yeah. You know, going in the military was truly life changing for me. Right. It changed my whole direction of my life. Yeah. And this is another thing that is on par with that as far as how much change it makes in your life. Yeah. How much difference it makes in your life. Yeah. It makes a huge difference. And the only, you know, I regret that I didn't find this earlier. I do. I wish I had, I'd heard about it early. I dismissed it like back in 2016, 2015. And it would have changed my trajectory there if I changed that, I think, but I didn't, so I can't regret the past, but even though I regret that I didn't get it earlier, I'm so grateful. I have it now. That's the way I feel. I feel really grateful daily.


Yeah, you weren't you possibly weren't ready at that stage in your life to, you were too busy or whatever you were doing to embrace it fully at that stage, but look at you now.


I thought it was weird. I was doing keto. So I would, listen, retiring in your fifties is hard in the military because you got to maintain a physical presence. And be able to do your job. And so when I was getting ready to go to schools, or I was getting ready for a record PD test, we have records. We have diagnostics, right? Diagnostics aren't record, but they just let you know where you're at. When I was getting ready for a record PT test, often I would go to a keto diet because I knew it worked. It would take some fat off, it would give me a little more energy, I would be better performing. And that's when I first ran across Carnivore. I thought those guys are radical. I mean, come on, who can live off meat? I didn't even look at the videos. I saw them, right? And I thought, that's just insane. It sounded insane to me. Yeah. And then I guess when I Saw Dante Fragno's video, which was in March, the day I decided to burn my ships. I I started searching for carnivore and I found that Dr. Barry. Was carnival and he had been a keto doctor forever He was a guy was following all his keto stuff and I said well if dr Berry converted over this must be legit because that guy is a an MD, And he wouldn't do that and let and he wasn't making money on it. I mean, he's really not it's he's a doctor, right? That's where he makes money. So anyway, so that's why I did this and started the YouTube channel Your YouTube channel is at carnival Rob Correct. And yeah, the cast, cast


iron carnivore.


Yeah, it's a cast iron carnivore. Got a cast iron with a cool logo with a flame and the stakes So why did you start that? What are your reasons for starting that?


To, again, that was I've, it's not my first rodeo with YouTube. I do have another channel which I'll reveal at some point is it's an outdoor channel. But I wanted to log and see and record everything and. Maybe down the line, I thought maybe there'll be the others out there as well and people will start to comment and people start, and it happened, you know, I found yourself and others and I suppose it was, that goes back to motivation as well because I like doing it and, you know, just this, my little chopping things up and making foods and showing everybody what I'm eating and they're like, there's no way he can get like, I know what they're thinking. There's no way he's got from that to that in three months. Yeah. By just eating steak and eggs.


Oh, but you did. Yeah. Yeah. And I did and George did, and you can go down the line. Alex did and all these guys, they all did. It's pretty amazing. So. Well, man, that's great. Listen, we got to wrap this up. It's been a quick hour time flies and you're having fun, but I really appreciate you stopping by and contributing to mission carnivore. I'll have the podcast up soon and go ahead and have the video up soon too, after I finished editing it, I'm going to drop you out. Stick around for a second. I'm going to sign off and then we'll chat for a few. All right. Thanks very much for that. Yep. Thank you. All right, guys. That was another great mission carnivore video and of course mission carnivore is dedicated to Military veterans and first responders who have embraced the carnivore Lifestyle, we don't like to call it a diet It's more like a lifestyle and how it's affected them and to spread the word that you know This is a great way to Really self heal and, heal your and get off medications. I mean, a lot of us have gotten off medications. So anyway, all I got to say guys is stay strong and overcome carnivore soldier out.